Old Man Shattered - Whoever Said

Whoever told you I've forgotten
Or somehow turned my back on you
Whoever told you that you're broken
And that my love cannot renew
Whoever told you you were nothing
Who brought this shame inside your head
Whoever lead you to this valley of confusion
And said I left you there for dead
Even if you were to fall away I

could never love you less
Let me hold even just a while
Let me catch you when you fall
Whoever ushered this dissension
Whoever fed you all these lies
Whoever led you to believe that
You are nothing in my eyes
Even if you hit the ground a million times
Don't you find Your solace there again

For I have come to bring You
shelter from the storm
So who is this that now condemns
Even if you were to fall away
I could never love you less
Let me hold even just a little while
Let me catch you when you fall